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Writer's pictureCaitlin Pieters

Want to stand out? 5 effective steps to work out your value proposition

No other person ever has, or ever will have, the unique blend of life experience that you have. Your skills, talents, strengths and perspective is what makes you unique.

And it's not about what you do or what you sell... It's about how you add value.

Sure, there are plenty of life coaches, yoga teachers, brand consultants or experts in your niche out there.

But what are you all about?

What do you stand for and believe in? What do you want to be known for? How do you motivate and inspire change?

This, my friend, is your sweet spot... your value proposition. It's what makes you different and is the reason people will pick you over your competition.

Your value proposition is a special mix of:

  • What you stand for and believe in

  • The work that feels natural to you, and is easy & aligned

  • The unique way ONLY YOU deliver your services... based on your beliefs, knowledge, experience and expertise

You need to get crystal clear on how you add value. Follow the steps below to create your own value proposition...


1. What do you stand for and believe in?

"People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe" — Simon Sinek

Our ancestors evolved over millennia by relying on groups and tribes to survive. And we are still programmed to connected with those we know, like and trust: those who share the same values and beliefs as us.

So when you're clear on what your values and beliefs are, and you communicate them effectively on your website, you will attract the right-fit clients to work with.

And the beauty of attracting your ideal client is that you will be working with people who truly value and appreciate you, and are happy to pay you for your expertise.

The key to attracting the right-fit clients to your business is to inspire action by appealing to something bigger than yourself - something you stand for and believe in.

In his TEDx Talk "How great leaders inspire action", Simon Sinek explains how you can do this:

It all starts with a belief!

Your business exists because of a belief you have. A belief that something could be better.

Perhaps you've noticed something in your industry that you're opposed to. Or you've experienced some personal challenges that you had to overcome and are driven to help others in a similar situation.

Maybe you feel you can make an existing product or service so much better. Or you have a burning desire to create and make a difference.

As an example, here's what I believe:

I believe that all women should have financial independence so that they can make the best choices for themselves and their families (whatever that choice might be). My ambition is to give female founders a website that they're proud of, and that brings in the sales they deserve - without them needing to be 'technical' or wasting loads of time.

ACTION STEP: Set a timer for 20 minutes, and write down anything that comes to mind. Don't judge yourself or edit your work; let the stream of consciousness flow. Ask yourself what motivated you to start your business, what you stand for and believe in and what vision of the world you want to help create. Then prioritise your beliefs and weave them into a paragraph or two.


2. Identify all the benefits your service offers

Write down all the benefits your service offers, and include a description of what makes these benefits so valuable.

For example, here are the benefits of working with me:

Work with a Wix Expert

As a Wix Certified Trainer with a Degree in Multimedia Design and 18+ years’ experience working with small businesses in various capacities, I've helped dozens of female founders and small business owners with their branding and website design. Your website is your storefront or best employee that works for you 24/7. It needs to work for you when you're not around, and convert site visitors into paying customers.

I work one-to-one with female founders

I work one-to-one with you, building a website that attracts your ideal client and turns them into paying customers... So you can build a successful business you're proud of. All of my packages include personalised feedback and support, because every business and website is unique, and so are you.

I get it

As a female founder juggling parenthood and running a business, I understand firsthand the challenges small business owners face. Lack of time, doing all the things, as well as needing to market yourself, book more clients and earn a consistent income. I appreciate the need to save time (and money!), so all my products and services are designed with YOU in mind, and focus on setting up your website to convert.

Get a professional website that aligns with your brand and how you want to show up in the world

I help you build a professional website that reflects your values and aligns with your brand so that you attract the right-fit clients to work with. A website that sells you (without the cringe!) and brings in the sales you deserve.

Create an effective lead magnet

You'll create a lead magnet that attracts the right clients to your business, gets them to sign up to your list, where you can nurture them with your email marketing and grow a relationship over time so that when they're ready to solve their problem, you are top of mind.

Learn how to update your own website

I teach you how to easily update your website going forward. It's important to be able to make tweaks and changes to your website as your business grows and evolves, so you don't need to rely on anyone else or pay each time you need something changed. This saves you money in the long run, and helps you keep in control so you don't miss any business opportunities with an out-dated website.

Create your website strategy

We create a strategy to ensure your website is helping you reach your overall business goals, and moves you closer towards the dream or vision you have for your business.

Get brand guidance

I help with your brand identity, giving you feedback on your branding (logo, colour palette and font choice). We may decide to make some tweaks to ensure you're getting the right message across and attracting your ideal client so that you can build a successful business.

Create copy that connects and converts

I provide copywriting guidance and support to help you connect with your ideal client and drive conversions. When you get intentional about your brand & message, and communicate this effectively, you will attract your ideal client and convert site visitors into paying customers.

Save time with step-by-step guidance

I lead you through the process of building a website step-by-step, with the right level of support for your individual needs. Whether that's a done-for-you website package or a DIY website course, we follow the framework that I've developed over the years especially designed with coaches & small businesses in mind. I've broken this down into bite-sized chunks and offer different levels of support depending on your needs.

When you have step-by-step guidance, you get to focus only on what's important and not get distracted by shiny objects or fall down the Google rabbit-hole, which can save you days, weeks or even months of time.

Earn more money in your business

The sooner you have a professional website up, the better. No more missed opportunities or money falling through the cracks. When you have a professional website with branding that aligns & messaging that resonates, the conversions stream in. You can earn money more quickly in your business so that you're building a successful brand you're proud of.

ACTION STEP: Write down all the benefits your service offers, and include a description of what makes these benefits so valuable.


3. Identify your ideal client's main problem

What urgent problem or challenge is your ideal client dealing with right now as it relates to your service? You're looking for just 1: the most important problem that they need resolved. And once you have that, you need to connect this problem to each of the benefits you've mentioned above.

For example, the urgent problem my ideal clients face is that they want to make more money in their business.

So I need to address this problem when writing out all the benefits. And here's how I could approach it:

I work one-to-one with you, building a website that attracts your ideal client and turns them into paying customers... So you can make more money in your business.

ACTION STEP: So now go over all of your benefits and make sure you address this urgent problem in your copy.


4. Differentiate and position yourself

To differentiate yourself from the crowd, you need to get crystal clear about who your ideal client is, what you offer and how you are different.

Go over your list of benefits again and tweak the text to explain how you're different and better than your competitors.

Anyone can learn Wix and call themselves a designer these days. What makes me different is that I have a Degree in Design and understand the importance of strong branding as the foundation of a good business. So I help you with your brand identity and give you feedback on your branding (logo, colour palette and font choice). We make tweaks if necessary to ensure you're getting the right message across and attracting your ideal client: those who value and appreciate you and are happy to pay your worth.

ACTION STEP: Differentiate and position yourself by explaining why you're different and better than your competitors


5. Now let's write your value proposition!

Note: All the copy you've created up to this point is super valuable to you. You can use it on your website, in your marketing, on social media etc. It forms the basis of your value proposition. But your value proposition is going to be much shorted and more succinct. Let's dive in!

Your value proposition is a promise to your customers. It's the main reason they should buy from you and not your competitors.

Make sure your value proposition is the first thing people see on your website. The stronger your value proposition, the higher your conversion rates are going to be.

And a good value proposition needs to be easy to read and understand within 10 seconds. It needs to:

  • Clearly explain the value of working with you

  • Communicate the specific results your ideal client can expect

  • Explain how you are different and better than your competitors

Here's how to write your own value proposition.


You've already identified your ideal client's main problem, so what is it that they actually want? What's the real desired outcome or end benefit that you're offering?

Convert site visitors into paying customers with a website you're proud of


Detailed explanation of what you offer, to whom and why

For female founders who want a professional website that attracts clients and converts them into paying customers, so you can earn the money you deserve and build a successful business


List all benefits and/or features

  • Get a professional website that aligns with your brand and how you want to show up in the world

  • Create an effective lead magnet

  • Learn how to update your own website

  • Create a website strategy

  • Get brand guidance

  • Create copy that connects and converts

  • Save time with step-by-step guidance

  • Earn more money in your business

  • Work with a Wix Expert & Certified Wix Trainer

  • As a small business owner myself, I understand the challenges female founders face and love working one-to-one with you


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